This AMA (American Medical Association) article from 2007 points to the threat of decreased competition in the insurance market. It points to the fact that its member physicians have little or no power to negotiate with the big insurance companies who hold monopoly power over many regions of the company via their vast networks.
What is interesting is the AMA is focused on lack of competition in the insurance market but at the same time it is NOT promoting a retail mindset among its members so they can bypass the insurers and negotiate directly with the health care consumer. The rise of consumer directly health plans promotes this type of model and encourages the consumer to go directly to the provider with cash, rather then execute a claim with their insurance carrier.
The AMA must lead the effort to support health care reform in the form of more consumer transparency. The AMA is instead sitting back and allowing the focus of health care reform to rest completely on the insurance giants. If this continues the AMA members will be allowed more room to raise prices increasing cost.
Step up AMA, it is time for you to operate in a free market. Become an active participate in the healthcare retail model.
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